Man, we sure know how to complicate things, don’t we? Especially when it comes to figuring out our “gift,” our purpose, or that elusive “why” we’re all supposed to have nailed down. We twist ourselves into knots trying to uncover some grand, world-changing talent or skill. But here’s the thing: your gift isn’t always this big, tangible thing. More often than not, it’s woven into the little ways you show up for others every single day.
Lately, I've found myself in a completely freaked-out state, feeling like I'm in full alarm mode when things seem off. It's a familiar cycle for me, and it's often why I write about balance, acceptance, and surrender. The truth is, these are the very things I need to hear myself. Even though the words pour out onto the page, they don't always resonate with me as deeply as I'd like. If it's just a "meh" kind of day, I can usually quiet the voices telling me that I need to figure out what's going on with me. But after that, the spiral begins. I go into "fix-it" mode, asking myself what I need to change in my life. Then come the impulsive decisions, radical restrictions, and a meticulously crafted plan to regain control. Impulsive Decisions: A Quick Dopamine Hit For me, impulsive decisions are anything that gives me a quick dopamine hit. It might be shopping, signing up for a new class, race, or activity—anything that feels like it wil...
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